BD 真空採血系統
- 真空採血針
- BD Vacutainer® Safety-Lok™ Blood Collection Sets, With Luer, 21G 3/4 in Needle, 12 in Tubing (21G翼型安全採血套組) 50pc/box
- BD Vacutainer® Safety-Lok™ Blood Collection Sets, With Luer, 23G 3/4 in Needle, 12 in Tubing (23G翼型安全採血套組) 50pc/box
- BD Vacutainer® One Use Holder (一次性持針器) 250pc/pack

- 真空採血管
- BD Vacutainer® 10.0mL, 16x100mm, SST™ Tubes with Silica Clot Activator, Conventional Closure, Paper Label (矽膠塗層Silica促凝真空採血管) 100pc/box
- BD Vacutainer® 10.0ml, 16x100mm, plastic urinalysis tubes for UA chemistry urine testing, No Additive (無塗層真空採血管) 100pc/box
- BD Vacutainer® 8.0mL, 16x125mm, Mononuclear Cell Preparation Tubes ,CPT™, Sodium Citrate 1.0 mL of 0.1 Molar, Glass (單核球分離用採血管) 60pc/box
- BD Vacutainer® 10.0mL, 16x100mm, Plasma Tubes with Sodium Heparin, 150 USP Units of Sodium Heparin (spray-coated) (添加肝素急生化血漿採血管) 100pc/box
- Dry Eye
- Arthritis Degeneration